The faculty and students at Clark Atlanta University recognize that academic integrity is fundamental to the education process. Breaches of academic integrity by students are violations of University policy and will subject students to disciplinary action (per the Graduate Student Handbook). Students who submit course requirements which are not their own or who commit other acts of academic dishonesty will forfeit the opportunity to continue to matriculate at Clark Atlanta University.
All Clark Atlanta University courses must include the following minimum instruction based contact-hours:
Course Numbering System: Clark Atlanta University’s master’s degree level and doctoral degree level courses are numbered from 500 to 900.
Grades and Quality Points: Coursework is evaluated as shown below. Parenthetical numbers represent the quality points assigned to each final letter grade when computing student’s cumulative grade point average. Grades which have no numerical value are not included in the student’s grade point average.
The scale listed below is used for translating numerical grades into letter grades:
Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation: The GPA is calculated by dividing the sum of the quality points earned in courses graded "A" through "F" by the total number of graded course credits.
Clark Atlanta University (CAU) is committed to expanding the institution’s capacity to provide high-quality learning experiences through the implementation of online learning. CAU offers online courses through asynchronous and synchronous instruction in which students can access courses from anywhere high-speed internet accessible. Delivery of all online instruction is through the University’s Learning Management System (LMS)-CANVAS. The Office of Information Technology and Communications (OITC) and Office of Online Learning and Continuing Education (OLCE) are jointly responsible for providing technical assistance to support the online course delivery infrastructure. The CAU Center for Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Engagement (CITLE) provides support for instructional design.
CAU was approved to offer online degrees and courses by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) and the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). As such, these bodies govern our implementation policy and procedures.
The purpose of this document is to establish clear and commonly understood definitions related to Online Learning at CAU. These definitions are informed by SACS-COC, NC-SARA, as well as related CAU policies articulated in the Faculty Handbook, Academic Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, and the Curriculum Review Approval Process.
In its policy statement, SACS-COC defines Distance Education as a formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction (interaction between students and instructors and among students) in a course occurs when students and instructors are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous using a variety of communication technologies.
Clark Atlanta University uses the umbrella term Online Learning for all educational processes related to Distance Education. Courses and programs are approved for delivery via Online Learning using the University’s Curriculum Review Approval Process. Online Learning courses are classified as Fully or Partially Online and are coded in Banner Web. To ensure that all students are afforded a quality learning experience, only faculty who have successfully completed the CAU Online Teaching Certification course (tTech) are permitted to be assigned to teach in Fully Online courses and/or programs which is managed through the OLCE and CITLE offices.
The CAU policy on determining credit hours awarded for courses and programs stipulates that a standard three (3) semester credit hour course includes at least forty-five (45) contact hours per semester plus additional hours outside of the classroom. This policy informs the definitions of Fully and Partially Online courses and programs.
A Fully Online course is one in which 90% or more of the instruction and interaction occurs via online modalities with the faculty and students physically separated from each other. Based on this policy, a course classified as Fully Online could not have more than four and a half (4.5) hours of face to face contact. In practice, the face to face contact occurs as an extended half-day seminar on the weekend or up to five (5) fifty (50) minute class sessions spread out over the semester. Fully Online courses are coded with section numbers that begin with the number nine (9).
A Partially Online course is one in which 51% – 89% of the instruction and interaction occurs via online modalities with the faculty and students physically separated from each other. Based on this policy, a course classified as Partially Online could not have more than twenty-two (22) hours of face to face contact. In practice, the face-to-face contact occur as a series of three weekend seminars or a maximum of twenty-two (22) fifty (50) minute class sessions spread out over the semester. Partially Online courses are coded with section numbers that begin with the number eight (8).
A Fully Online program is one in which 100% of the courses required for completion are classified as Fully Online. Programs classified as Fully Online may leverage the available face to face contact hours from all of the courses in the program to schedule a series of weekend seminars or an extended residency on campus (such as a summer residency). Fully Online Programs will be coded in Banner Production by program with the letter (O).
A Partially Online program is one in which more than 50% of the courses required for completion are classified as Fully Online. Programs classified as Partially Online may leverage the available face to face contact hours from all of the courses in the program to schedule a series of weekend seminars or an extended residency on campus (such as a summer residency). Partially Online Programs will be coded in Banner Production by program with letter (P).
The normal course load for full-time graduate students is nine (9) semester credit hours per semester during the fall and spring semesters and six (6) during the summer term. Individual schools may have a higher minimum full-time enrollment requirement. Students who have completed residency, who have completed course and research requirements, who are engaged in research activities requiring faculty supervision and who are registered for a minimum of three (3) credits of thesis or dissertation research. Students who are registered for three (3) credits of thesis or dissertation research must submit a “Certification of Full-Time Status” to the University Registrar.
Students enrolled for less than the minimum required semester credit hours with the exception of students engaged primarily in research are classified as part-time students. Students who have completed their research requirements but are engaged in writing a thesis or dissertation must register for at least one (1) credit of thesis or dissertation consultation or thesis or dissertation each semester inclusive of the summer term until the thesis or dissertation has received final approval by Graduate Education. To be considered Full-Time, students who are registered for fewer than three (3) credits of thesis or dissertation consultation must submit a “Certification of Full-Time Status” to the University Registrar.
Graduate students who are awarded a teaching or research assistantship, engaged in college work-study, or guaranteed student loan are required to be enrolled as full-time students.
Graduate students in the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Education, and Social Work who are enrolled for more than twelve (12) credits must have those credits approved by their respective School Dean. Students in the School of Business Administration who are enrolled for more than fifteen (15) credits must have those credits approved by the Dean of School of Business Administration. Note: SWS has indicated that their curriculum allows 12 hours.
Students are not authorized to register for courses for which they have not successfully completed the prerequisite course(s). Students who do so will be administratively withdrawn from those courses by the instructors of record and will not be awarded final grades.
It is Clark Atlanta University's policy that students adequately prepare for and punctually attend all class meetings for courses in which they are enrolled, unless they are officially excused. Students who do not attend class meetings during the first ten (10) class days of the academic term will be dropped from the course by the University Registrar. Schools, academic departments, and instructors of record are approved to establish more rigorous class attendance requirements for graduate students as documented in course syllabi.
Note: Per federal financial aid regulations, students who do not attend any class meetings during the first ten(10)class days of the academic term will be dropped from those courses by the University Registrar.
Note: The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs does not issue excuses for student absences.
Continuing graduate students who are in Good Academic Standing may take a leave of absence from the University for a period not to exceed two (2) academic terms (excluding summer session).
The student must submit a Petition for an Official Leave of Absence Form to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Education Students who wish to enroll in courses at another institution of higher education during an official leave of absence must receive prior approval for transient status per the University’s Transient Policy. Official transcripts for courses completed in transient status during the student’s Official Leave of Absence must be filed with the Office of the University Registrar not later than the end of the academic term in which the student returns to the University. Before returning to the University, the student must notify the Office of the University Registrar, the Dean of Graduate Education and the Chair of the student’s major academic department in writing. The Dean of Graduate Education will inform the appropriate Department Chair and School Dean of the student’s return.
The written authorization for the leave of absence must specify whether the duration of the leave is or is not included in the student’s Expiration of Credits.
Following voluntary leave of one or more semesters, (excluding summer school) without having been granted an approved leave of absence, the student must:
An incomplete (“I”) is a temporary grade assigned when extenuating and documentable circumstances, such as illness, death of a family member, or other reasons that are acceptable to the instructor, prevent a student who is passing a course from completing the final examination and/or other course requirements by the end of the semester. The “I” is not to be assigned as a substitute for a failing grade. To be eligible for an “I,” a student must have attended class regularly and passed a substantial amount of the required coursework. The student must provide the course instructor with official verification of the circumstances preventing the completion of the full requirements for the course. The responsibility for completing the coursework rests with the student, and the instructor is not obligated to provide further classroom instruction. An “I” grade cannot be removed by enrolling in the course again. A student can neither register and enroll for a course in which he/she has received an “I “nor can a student register and enroll in any course where an “I”- graded course is a prerequisite.
In awarding an “I” grade, the instructor must submit to the Office of the University Registrar an Incomplete Grade Form provided on the website showing the reason for the grade, the work required for removing the “I” grade, and a grade to be awarded if the work is not completed. The original Incomplete Grade Form must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar for grade processing and documentation.
An “I” grade should be removed by the end of the semester following the one in which it was assigned, but must be removed no later than one year from the end of the semester in which the “I” grade was assigned. The time limit may not exceed one year, whether or not the student is in residence. If the course requirements are not completed, and the “I” grade is not changed by the instructor within the specified time period, the student will be awarded the default grade. If a default grade has not been provided, the “I” will become an “F”, and the student will be required to re-enroll and complete the entire course. A student may not graduate with an “I” grade on his/her academic transcript. Removal of an “I” does not assure a passing grade in the course.
"In Progress" courses on students’ academic transcripts indicate that credit has not been awarded for the course, and the instructor did not submit a final grade. Course instructors must submit a final grade in order for the "In Progress" course to be removed from student's academic transcript. Registering for an "In Progress" course for a subsequent academic term will not remove the "In Progress" status. Students may not graduate with "In Progress" courses on their academic transcripts.
In the event there are errors in reporting students’ final course grades, instructors must provide written justification for grade adjustments to the Department Chair and School Dean. Final grade adjustments approved by the School Dean are forwarded to the Office of the University Registrar for posting to the students’ academic transcripts. Final grade adjustments must be approved by the School Dean not later than 30 days from the start of the term following that in which the course was completed.
Students may drop and/or add courses during the designated Drop/Add Period as published in the University’s Academic Calendar. Prior to making any changes in their class selections, students must coordinate with their advisor to determine the appropriate course(s) to drop and/or add and use the University’s online registration process to complete all drop/add transactions. Students are not permitted to register for courses after the official Drop/Add Period has expired.
Each semester, the official course withdrawal begins after the end of the Drop/Add Period as published in the University’s Academic Calendar. Students who wish to withdraw from an individual course must obtain a Course Withdrawal Form from the Office of the University Registrar. The form must be completed with all appropriate signatures of the student’s department chair or academic advisor and the course instructor as required and submitted to the Office of the University Registrar prior to the official deadline for withdrawal. When a student is authorized to withdraw from a course, a final grade of "W" is assigned to the student’s academic transcript regardless of his/her performance in the course prior to the official date of withdrawal. For students cross-registered at other Atlanta University Center institutions, the withdrawal policy of Clark Atlanta University applies. For students cross-registered through the ARCHE program, the "host" school policy applies. Withdrawing from a course will not result in the student receiving any refund of tuition or fees. Graduate students are permitted a maximum of two (2) course withdrawals while matriculating at Clark Atlanta University.
Students who stop attending class meetings and participating in course activities and requirements and have not officially withdrawn from courses will be awarded final course grades in accordance with University policies. Students may officially withdraw from courses within the official withdrawal period as published in the University’s Academic Calendar. Instructors of Record are required to post to BannerWeb the last date of attendance for each student who has unofficially withdrawn from their courses.
A regular full-time student may audit one (1) course per academic term. Students must obtain the approval of the course instructors’ and their faculty advisors and officially register and pay the standard fee. Although auditors are not required to take course examinations, individual instructors may stipulate requirements for the auditors' attendance, preparation, and participation in class activities and laboratory exercises. Students receive no credit for auditing courses and cannot change the auditing status after the Drop/Add Period ends.
The University’s Graduate Repeat Course Policy permits graduate students who retake the same course at Clark Atlanta University to replace a course grade with the latest earned final grade. The last final grade earned, whether higher or lower, will be the final grade of record. Graduate students are not permitted to repeat any course for credit more than once other than thesis consultation, thesis research, dissertation consultation, or dissertation research. Courses completed in transient status are not eligible for approval regarding the Graduate Repeat Course Policy. The student must officially register and pay for the course each time he/she enrolls. The credits earned for the course will be counted only once. The adjusted GPA excludes the previously earned grades for repeated courses. However, the earlier grade remains recorded on the student’s transcript followed by the symbol "R", which indicates that the course was repeated and its original final grade was replaced by a subsequent grade.
Under some circumstances, alternative courses may be substituted for those required for the major field of study. Substitutions must be recommended and approved prior to course enrollment. To replace a required major course, a Course Substitution Form must be submitted for approval to the Department Chair and the School Dean. Upon approval, the Dean forwards the form to the Office of the University Registrar for inclusion in students’ academic records. For transfer students, course substitutions must be approved by the end of the first semester in which the student is enrolled at Clark Atlanta University and the form must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar.
Students who wish to pursue an independent study of subjects not included in University course offerings must submit a written proposal and obtain recommendations for approval from the following:
If approved by the Dean of the host school, the Independent Study proposal with all required signatures accompanied by the course syllabus is forwarded to the Office of the University Registrar for inclusion with the student’s academic records.
Students who wish to pursue a directed study of in-depth research must submit a written proposal and obtain recommendations for approval from the following:
If approved by the Dean of the host school, the Directed Study proposal with all required signatures accompanied by the course syllabus is forwarded to the Office of the University Registrar for inclusion with the student’s academic records.
Note: Graduate students must be approved for Independent Study and/or Directed Study courses during their matriculation at the University.
A required course may be waived where the University, through the department or the school, has verified evidence of sufficient knowledge of the material covered in the course. The waiver of a course will not result in a decrease in the number of hours required by the degree program and must be replaced by a course appropriate for the specific degree requirements. The maximum number of courses which may be waived shall not exceed 15 percent of the total number of courses required for the degree.
Clark Atlanta University will not waive any degree requirements.
The University offers students opportunities to participate in internship programs with public and private firms and government agencies. Internships are considered part of the instructional program and are offered by academic departments. In order to earn academic credit for internships and other para-curricular studies (e.g., cooperative education), students must obtain approval from the chairs of their major department, register for the appropriate course(s) during the official registration period, and pay any applicable fees. Students should consult academic departments for specific guidelines and requirements.
Grades for internships are determined by the evaluation completed by the course’s instructor and from input provided on the evaluation forms completed by the internship onsite/field supervisor.
A student's curriculum is outlined in the catalog that is in effect at the time the student begins matriculating at the University. In addition, an academic advisor is available to each student. The advisor issues the student a curriculum sheet outlining the requirements for obtaining a degree in the major field. It is the responsibility of each student to secure a curriculum sheet and access Graduate Catalog to meet graduation requirements.
Courses completed more than ten (10) years prior to transferring to Clark Atlanta University will not be accepted.
Doctoral students: When ten (10) years have elapsed since the date of initial enrollment at the University or any other college or university, requirements for the degree must be modified consistent with any changes in the degree program.
Master’s students: When five (5) years have elapsed since the date of initial enrollment at the University or any other college or university, requirements for the degree must be modified consistent with any changes in the degree program.
If the student wishes to continue the pursuit of a degree, he/she must appeal in writing to the Department Chair the restoration of credits. The Department Chair will, then, provide in writing his/her recommendations to the School Dean and the Dean of Graduate Education, regarding the student appeal. The School Dean will make recommendations for approval or denial regarding the student’s appeal. The Dean of Graduate Education will notify the student of the final decision. If approved, the student must reapply for admission, seek academic advisement, register, enroll for semester of readmission, satisfy financial aid regulations, and repeat any expired courses.
The student has the right to petition the Graduate Council of the Academic Council (GCAC) at least two academic terms prior to the date of expiration of credits in order to extend the credits for up to one (1) calendar year. The student must provide written justification and supporting documentation for the extension of the credits and must forward the petition to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Education The recommendation of the Committee on Academic Standards and Standing will be sent to the Academic Council for the final decision.
After a graduate student has completed ten years of matriculation, including any approved extension, eligibility for enrollment will expire. The student will not be permitted to continue at the University as a graduate degree-seeking student. The student's record, however, is not expunged, and all credits remain on the student's transcript.
The academic records of graduate students are evaluated following each term of study. A minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 is required for graduate students to maintain Good Academic Standing. Individual schools or programs may have officially published higher standards.
In order to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid eligibility, a student must meet the 3.0 Cumulative CGPA requirement. A student failing to meet this grade requirement remains in satisfactory academic status for financial aid during the immediate/following semester in which the cumulative GPA of 3.0 must be earned.
All full-time or part-time graduate students receiving federal aid must:
Graduate students who fail to maintain Good Academic Standing are placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Academic Dismissal as described below. These standards apply to full-time and part-time students. Final grades earned in summer sessions will be included in the cumulative GPA of the previous academic year. Students in Good Academic Standing are eligible to receive financial aid at Clark Atlanta University. Students who are not in Good Academic Standing or who are dismissed from the University are not eligible to receive financial aid.
A graduate student shall be placed on academic warning at the end of the semester of the first occurrence in which his/her cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. The student shall receive written notification of his/her academic status from his/her faculty advisor and/or department chair. The academic standing will also be noted on the student’s transcript. The duration of academic warning is one semester only; once a student is placed on academic warning, the student cannot return to this standing. (e.g., If a student returns to good academic standing after the initial academic warning and later falls below good academic standing, the student will be placed on academic probation). The progress of a student placed on academic warning shall be tracked and monitored by the faculty advisor and/or department chair. It is the responsibility of the student, in collaboration with his/her advisor, to develop and submit a formal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Plan for raising the cumulative GPA to a minimum requirement of 3.0. A graduate advisement hold will be placed on the student’s account until the SAP Plan receives final approval by the Dean of Graduate Education. At the end of the warning period, the student must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to return to good academic standing. If the student does not achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of the warning period, the student will be placed on academic probation.
A graduate student who fails to earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of the academic warning period will be placed on academic probation. The student shall receive written notification from his/her faculty advisor and/or department chair. The academic standing will also be noted on the student’s transcript. The duration of academic probation is one semester. The student must seek advisement from his/her faculty advisor and department chair. It is the responsibility of the student, in collaboration with his/her advisor, to develop and submit a revised Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Plan for raising the cumulative GPA to a minimum requirement of 3.0. A graduate advisement hold will be placed on the student’s account until the SAP Plan receives final approval by the Dean of Graduate Education. If the student does not achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of the probationary period, the student will be dismissed from the institution.
A graduate student who fails to earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of the academic probation period will be dismissed. The student shall receive written notification from his/her faculty advisor and/or department chair.
Graduate students have the right to appeal decisions (e.g., final grade appeals) regarding their academic performance or an academic requirement. Before initiating an appeal, students should attempt to resolve the issues directly with the Instructor of Record of the course at issue. The student must initiate and document contact with the Instructor of Record not later than thirty (30) calendar days from the beginning of the academic term following that in which the course at issue was completed. The student should document the date, time, and place at which the contact with the Instructor of Record occurred and the content of the discussion. If the issues as discussed with the Instructor of Record cannot be resolved within five (5) business days, students electing to appeal an academic decision must adhere to the following process and procedures:
Graduate students may appeal academic policies that adversely affect their academic outcomes by submitting a written request for relief to the Dean of Graduate Education within 30 calendar days of the policy’s adverse effect on the student’s academic outcome. The student’s appeal must state (1) the specific policy and the policy’s impact, (2) the desired relief, and (3) the justification for seeking the desired relief. Students not in residence should send appeals by certified mail to the Dean of Graduate Education. A Graduate Student Service Form (GSSF) must be completed and submitted to be considered for an appeal review. Please contact and/or email to retrieve this document.
The Dean of Graduate Education may elect to forward student appeals of academic policies along with supporting documentation including comments from the School Dean, Department Chair, and Graduate Program Coordinator to the Graduate Council for recommendations concerning disposition.
Within fifteen (15) business days of graduate students submitting their appeals, the Dean of Graduate Education will forward his/her decision to the student in a certified letter with copies to the students’ School Dean, Department Chair, and Graduate Program Coordinator and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
In the event that graduate students decide to appeal academic policy decisions by the Dean of Graduate Education to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Dean will submit both the Dean’s and the Graduate Council’s recommendations, if applicable, to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Within 30 calendar days of graduate students submitting their appeals, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will forward his/her decision to the student in a certified letter with copies to the Dean of Graduate Education and the students’ School Dean, Department Chair, and Graduate Program Coordinator. Prior to notifying the student, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs may elect to submit the student’s appeal to the Academic Council for recommendations. The decision of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is final and may not be appealed.
Candidates for award of a graduate degree must have met all the requirements of the University and of a prescribed plan of study. In addition to the following general requirements, each school and department may prescribe specific degree requirements in accordance with its program objectives. Students should seek additional information from the appropriate school and department. Mere fulfillment of quantitative requirements in terms of courses and time in residence does not qualify a student to receive the degree. Students receive the Master’s, Specialist’s, and Doctorate Degrees for high quality academic achievement.
The School of Education offers programs of study at the sixth-year level leading to the Specialist in Education Degree.
Students receive the Doctoral Degree for the highest quality of academic achievement. Mere fulfillment of quantitative requirements in terms of courses and time in residence does not qualify a student to receive the degree.