Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos testified before the House Committee on Education and Workforce on Tuesday. Representative Bobby Scott, the Democratic ranking member on the committee, asked DeVos about his concerns with the PROSPER Act, House Republicans’ bill to reform the federal role in higher education. DeVos’ answer could have been better. Here’s how the exchange between the two proceeded:
Rep. Scott: Madam Secretary, the PROSPER Act provides for a $15 billion cut in student aid, is that right?
Secretary DeVos: I’ve heard that opined. I’m not sure I agree with that, but…
Scott: Do you have another number?
DeVos: Pardon me?
Scott: Do you have another number?
DeVos: It’s an approach to giving students much more flexibility in pursuing their higher education.
Scott: $15 billion cut. Do you have another number?
DeVos: I have heard that opined, that that is the case. I said I don’t necessarily share that perspective.
Here’s a better answer that DeVos could have given to Scott’s question. (The below exchange, in case it’s not clear, is entirely fictional.)
Rep. Scott: Madam Secretary, the PROSPER Act provides for a $15 billion cut in student aid, is that right?
Secretary DeVos: That’s not quite accurate, Congressman, but it’s a common misconception. The Congressional Budget Office score of the PROSPER Act did estimate a $15 billion reduction in student aid over the next ten years, but only on the mandatory side of the budget. Democrats and many in the media latched onto this number, which appeared on page two of the score, and ignored what the other thirty-five pages said. But as I have read the entire CBO score, I can tell you that the PROSPER Act does not cut federal spending on higher education.
The PROSPER Act expands the federal government’s flagship student aid program for low-income students, the Pell Grant. To encourage timely completion, the bill provides a $300 bonus to Pell Grant students who take on more than a full-time course load. Most importantly, the bill makes several regulatory changes aimed at expanding both student and institutional eligibility for the program. As a result, under the PROSPER Act, an additional 1.1 million students annually would receive Pell Grants by 2027.
All of these changes cost money, of course. But the Pell Grant is unique among federal programs in that it is funded partially on the mandatory side of the budget, and partially through the annual appropriations process. The $15 billion reduction in student aid that you cited, Congressman, only reflects changes on the mandatory side. If you include the estimated increase in appropriations due to Pell Grant expansion in your calculations, you’ll find that the PROSPER Act will increase federal spending on higher education by $12 billion over the next ten years.
While the PROSPER Act increases higher education spending overall, it’s true that the bill finds savings in certain areas. In a time when the national debt surpasses $21 trillion, it’s important to live within our means. Changes to student loan repayment options are the largest single source of savings in the PROSPER Act. These changes mostly focus on limiting loan forgiveness, which in practice delivers its benefits mostly to graduate borrowers with very large loans. The bill makes these changes while retaining income-driven repayment options for borrowers to ensure monthly payments remain affordable.
The PROSPER Act therefore redistributes federal funds from graduate students and those with high student loan balances, who tend to be higher-income, to the low- and middle-income undergraduate students who receive Pell Grants. These priorities are also reflected in the administration’s budget proposal, which would make the student loan program more generous for undergraduates and pay for it by asking higher-earning graduate borrowers to pay a little more.
In conclusion, Congressman, the PROSPER Act does not cut federal higher education funding by $15 billion. It increases funding by $12 billion by making new investments in the Pell Grant program for our nation’s most vulnerable students. Recognizing budget constraints, the bill partially offsets the cost by reining in poorly-targeted and expensive loan forgiveness programs. While I welcome debate over specific provisions of the PROSPER Act, I hope those are priorities that Democrats on the committee can get behind.
For more on the PROSPER Act, see my analysis here.