Guideline on Informed Consent for Endoscopic Procedures

Informed consent is mandatory before an endoscopic procedure. Its purpose is to educate the patient about the procedure and review the associated risks, benefits, and alternatives. Together, the provider and patient can then decide on a plan of action, called shared decision-making. The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Standards of Practice Committee has updated its guidance on best practices for informed consent.

There are 2 different legal disclosure standards for informed consent: (1) The physician-based standard requires a physician to disclose to the patient an amount of information that a reasonable, similarly situated physician would provide, and (2) the patient standard requires the medical team to offer information for a reasonable layperson to consider it substantial enough to comprehend and consent to a procedure.

Vanessa M. Shami, MD, FASGE


Endoscopists should not only be familiar with the informed consent process but also the rules particular to their practicing state.

Note to readers: At the time we reviewed this paper, its publisher noted that it was not in final form and that subsequent changes might be made.