The Graduate Catalog lists the policies related to graduate education at Virginia Tech.
The Expectations for Graduate Study webpage provides links to a variety of standards and expectations that should guide the actions of graduate students, graduate programs, and the Graduate School in the context of graduate education.
The following flowcharts depict standard procedures for common Graduate School processes:
- Academic relief for students experiencing significant mental or physical health issues that interfere with their ability to enroll
- Admission application from prospective students creating an account through Graduate School decision (accessible narrative of the flow chart is available here)
- Admission to Accelecrated Undergraduate/Graduate Programs (including Dual)
- Co-op application process (accessible narrative for the flowchart available here)
- Exam scheduling for prelim and final exams for doctoral students (an accessible narrative of the flowchart is available here)
- Graduate student journey map depicting major steps from application through admission, enrollment and graduation (an accessible narrative of the map is available here).
- Plan of study submission for all graduate students (accessible narrative of the flow chart is available here)
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Graduate School
Link to the Disrupting Academic Bullying pages on the Ombuds site

Please feel free to contact us! We would love to hear from you.
Virginia Tech Graduate School
Main phone number: (540) 231-6691
Street address:
Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown (0325)
155 Otey Street
Graduate School, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA