Affirmative Action Plan for Small Business

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces anti-discrimination laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Employers must follow all federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws. In addition, companies with 50 or more employees and $50,000 in federal contracts are required to prove they have policies in place to comply with anti-discrimination practices with a written affirmative action plan. Affirmative action benefits small business in compliance in competition for government contracts, and studies show it increases the bottom line.

When Is a Written Affirmative Action Plan Required?

All employers must comply with anti-discrimination laws, but employers with federal contracts of $50,000 or more and 50 or more employees must create and maintain a written affirmative action plan. Employers that do not have federal contracts, or that have fewer than 50 employees, may implement an affirmative action plan but are not required to do so. Employers that have been sued for discrimination may choose to implement an affirmative action plan to proactively try to avoid future legal involvement, or they may be required by the court to implement a temporary affirmative action plan.

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There are a variety of types of employment discrimination that are prohibited by law. This includes discrimination based on age, gender, disability, pregnancy, national origin, race or religion. Laws prohibit discrimination in these areas during any factor of employment, including hiring and termination, compensation and benefits, work assignment and promotion, layoff, education and training. Affirmative action plans state in writing a business' intent not to discriminate, and they document business activities that prevent discrimination and include minority groups. Small businesses can economically implement affirmative action by integrating non-discriminatory policies and practices in recruiting, operations and management. For example, stating in a written affirmative action plan that your small business will not discriminate against qualified candidates in hiring on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability, and then having an outside human resources expert audit your recruiting practices each year provides a documented affirmative action practice.

Affirmative Action Factors

Affirmative action specifically requires written policies and actionable documented procedures regarding equal employment of qualified minorities. Businesses with small staffs and limited resources benefit by assigning affirmative action oversight to one manager and requiring regular affirmative action reporting; good candidates are human resources managers and operations managers. Quarterly reporting on affirmative action practices, ensuring proper documentation such as collective bargaining agreements and EEO-1 filings, and conducting annual reviews of affirmative action policies and procedures keeps affirmative action on track.

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Who Benefits from Affirmative Action?

The federal government spends billions of dollars each year in the private sector on products and services. A compliant affirmative action plan enables a small business to compete for lucrative government business, as well as ensuring a diverse workforce. A small business with plans for growth can pursue larger and larger government contracts by implementing affirmative action. Affirmative action helps small businesses proactively avoid discrimination lawsuits while creating a diverse workforce and increasing revenues. Cedric Herring, sociology professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, conducted extensive research on how racial and gender diversity relate to profitability. He found that businesses with high levels of diversity had as much as 15 times more sales revenues than those with low diversity.