Provide a recent BCI Background Check that shows no disqualifying offenses
- Background checks must be recent within 6 months of submission and listed under code 147 022
- Background checks used for other purposes (employment, conceal carry license etc.) cannot be accepted
- Results are not required to take the class and exam
- Results should be mailed directly to you so you can upload the document to the Secretary of State website
- Please allow up to 30 days to receive results for Ohio Attorney General
- BCI background checks are available through the Butler County Education Center on the day of the seminar; cost is $30.00. Please bring your proper identification including birth certificate and social security card and state issued identification.
A renewal application, necessary documentation, and $15 fee must be submitted to the Secretary of State before your commission expires. Failure to do so will result in your commission lapsing and starting over as a new notary applicant. You can submit your application up to 3 months before your commission expires. Please be sure to allow enough time for the class and background check to be completed and received prior to expiration date.
Ohio Licensed Attorneys:
To become an Ohio notary public, attorneys must successfully complete the 3-hour education course for $75.00.
Attorneys are exempt from the background check and the examination. Once completed, your commission does not expire and is valid for as long as you are in good standing and licensed to practice law in the State of Ohio.
FAQ’s and Helpful Links:
- Am I Qualified?
- BCI Background Check & Disqualifying Offenses
- Authorized Background Check Agents Near You
- When Does My Commission Expire? (Renewal Applicants Only)
- File Notary Commission Applications and Updates
- Notary Information, Resources, and FAQ’s
Ready to Get Started? Here is a step-by-step guide on the process.
New Commission Checklist:
- Verify that you meet all requirements to become an Ohio notary public.
- Obtain a BCI Background Check from a local provider and confirm that you have no disqualifying offenses.
- Register and pay for an upcoming BCBA class and testing date here.
- After the class, you will be notified via email within 48 hours if you have passed the exam. Applicants who pass will be provided a Certificate of Completion, and can move on to the next step. Applicants who fail the exam are eligible to retake the class and exam one more time after 30 days at no charge.
- Once you have your Certificate of Completion and BCI Background Check results, you are ready to access the Secretary of State website to create an account and submit your application.
- Your Notarial Certificate will be emailed to you from the Secretary of State.
- Congratulations! You are now an Ohio Notary Public, and you can you purchase your stamp and supplies at any office supply store such as Staples, Office Depot, MinuteMan Printing, etc.
Renewal Commission Checklist:
Be sure to start early to avoid your commission lapsing!
- Verify that you meet all requirements to become an Ohio notary public.
- Obtain a BCI Background Check from a local provider and confirm that you have no disqualifying offenses.
- Register and pay for an upcoming BCBA class date here.
- After the class, you will receive your Certificate of Completion via email within 48 hours.
- Once you have your Certificate of Completion and BCI Background Check results, you are ready to access the Secretary of State website to create an account and submit your application.
- Your Notarial Certificate will be emailed to you from the Secretary of State.
- Congratulations! Your commission renewal is complete, and you can purchase your stamp and supplies at any office supply store such as Staples, Office Depot, MinuteMan Printing, etc..
Have more questions about the notarization process? Please contact the Secretary of State Notary Division
Need Supplies? Want to become insured or listed on a public directory?
- 1501 First Avenue, Middletown, Ohio 45044
- (513) 896-6671